Tripple trawler Nataarnaq.
3 clumps 9800 kg each.

Built for Ice Trawl Greenland, Nataarnaq has an overall length of 82.30 metres and a beam of 18 metres, and is built to the same overall Skipsteknisk design as Sisimiut and Avataq.
Nataarnaq has a 7200kW main engine, a 120 tonne/day processing deck and a 2950 cubic metre refrigerated fishroom. Accommodation is for a crew of up to 30.
The deck is laid out with electrical Seaonics hardware, including four 45-tonne permanent magnet winches, enabling the new trawler to operate with three trawls, managed via a Seaonics Scantrol control system.
Seaonics also supplied the bank of eight 18-tonne sweepline winches at the head of the trawl deck, three 30-tonne gilsons, twin 12-tonne codend winches and a package of smaller winches for handling the trawl gear.